Not only are we now feeling pressure from consumers and customers to step up to the challenges of creating healthy and sustainable (yet affordable!) food, but the pressure can also be felt from within. 

More and more employers are finding recruiting the next generation of talent a challenge. The food sector, sometimes demonised, has a huge impact but also holds great power in becoming part of the solution. The next generation are now, more than ever interested in the real purpose and intentions of potential employers. 

“People are looking for an employer that takes proactive steps to make a difference related to the environment,” says Bridget Jackson, corporate sustainability director at PwC. “Being green builds pride, boosting retention of top talent.”

This purpose must start right from the top of the business and be felt authentically throughout. It’s not enough to make bold claims on the surface, real intent and change must be seen from within.

Often this not only comes from the promises and policies of the business but also the hep given to employee’s to live more sustainably. 

“It’s increasingly clear that being sustainable is something that is demanded by your workforce, by your suppliers, and by your customers. As the importance of sustainability grows, so to do the number of strategies and frameworks for actually achieving it.” – Forbes