The has long been much debate over the information available to the end consumer. Many test attempts at eco labelling have tried and in the main failed. This is predominantly due to the incomplete data sets behind these schemes. 

There is very little point in comparing a “B” rated product to a product with no label. To give the consumer real choice they need the full picture. 

Sustainability labelling is also fraught with danger in the assumptions used. One person’s view on the most critical impacts of a product can differ from another. You may have a product with very low carbon emissions but that consumes high levels of water in a water scarce location. Or a healthy balanced snack originating from a supply chain with questionable human rights. So much detail to balance and convey with what needs to be a clear and simple communication scheme. There are many certifications out there, but usually a one-dimensional view of a product. 

This is however on the cusp of big change. The recognition of the above has led to much needed extensive data gathering. Many of the major retailer have joined forces with a powerful data platform to begin the journey to full transparency. 

Full transparency comes with new issues such as data quality and reliability. The industry first needs to ensure the house is not being built on foundations of sand. This has meant a long pregnant pause on the consumer facing trials whist the data is being gathered in a meaningful way. 

This is however about to explode into action as these new ways to record and collate attributes gets disseminated down the supply chains. We will soon live in a world where there is nowhere to hide and expectation will be that every player in the life cycle of a product will fully understand and take accountability for the activities in the supply chain leading up to and after their part. 

Understanding this new technology and what’s changing in the background will help businesses, especially the smaller guys not get left behind. The big players will be involved and in the loop, so it in critical that this isn’t left to be a late comer surprise.